One in seven children struggle with hunger in West Michigan (see Feeding America study). Berrien Springs is no exception.
of our Berrien Springs Public Schools students are eligible for food assistance.
of these students can get a FREE, not just reduced-price, breakfast and lunch every day they are in school.
But being hungry doesn’t go away on weekends. It DOES go away with your help.
Could your family … or someone you know … use our help?
“I really appreciate everything you do. We couldn’t get through this tough time without you.” - Anonymous Mom, Berrien Springs
When money is tight, the last stress you need is worrying about whether your child will have enough to eat this weekend. You can take away that stress by signing up for our program. It’s free. It’s confidential. It’s available to your family for as long as you need it.
When you sign up, your child will get a backpack. We will fill it with school supplies at the beginning of the school year. Then each school week we will fill the backpack with easy-to-make foods that they can very discreetly pick up at school and eat on the weekend. The week ending January 31st we have supplied lunches to 76 students who may not have anything to eat on the weekends!This would not be possible without your help to identify said students! To sign up, download the forms or get in touch with us today.